October 5, 2011

First thing's first.....

      We are back again, this time here to deeply emerge you into the virtual mystery. Ready  to swift identitiesAll right, before doing so it might be polite to give some explanation why people like you and me simply feel better in cyberspace
      It is common that we represent our personality throughout the brands we buy, the career we pursuit or by our outer appearance. Does that change in outer space? Who would we want to be represented by? Would it be by the same person as in day – to – day reality or share a complete different outlook, from modified age, gender, personal background? Just imagine how monetary standards, social status and physical appearance become marginal in a world ruled by the lack of materialism.

      We’d like to propose a turn into the history of mankind. We familiarize ourselves with worlds invented by people that actually totally differ from their origins. Maybe all they wanted was to get rid of their daily routine, flee from problems or satisfy desires they couldn't fulfil in their social community. What about young individuals pressured by the society, peer groups or by their own families? It is more common they find their entities in between worlds. For them, switching between the physical and virtual reality becomes easier than ever and it actually reveals to be one of the best strategies to get rid of all the constrictions encountered on the way and simply experiment their personality. Mostly teenagers have the capability to easily establish this hybrid space, where they express themselves throught online personalities, feeling the urge to jump from a reality to another. ( Jacob van Koksvijk, 2007 , p.29 )

      The Internet of course makes all that possible. Why? Think of an open structure without a centre.  Everyone is welcome to partecipate in this kind of playground called “ world wide web “. It offers an extremely communicative platform for the existence of different types of media. Another interesting side of the Internet is that it possesses no certain identity. That leaves plenty of room for constant transformation. Let’s try to put it this way: do you feel you always know the person that you are talking to and his thoughts? What about the way he looks like or what he does? It is generally known that we are simply not constantly honest about our opinions, self descriptions and statements. The Internet is the means throughout which we substitute our regular personality with the virtual identity.


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