October 10, 2011

How much of " real " do you take into the " virtual" ?

      The main accomplishment in terms of virtual worlds is that they enable their members to redifine themselves simply by letting them be what they want to be. Who would of ever thought it was that simple?Even considering all the advantages cyberspace brings to our lives, it could on the other hand generate a deep crisis. One of the reasons could be the fact that not everybody is eager to find out who he really is. What even if others are keen to explore their personality, in the end they get dissatisfied with their discoveries? In those cases the dissapointment may alarmingly increas and even transform into anger. Judging by the perspective of our diveristy as human beings, not every one of us wants to change or enjoys challenges. However, doesn’t it sound tempting to be free to express your identity in a space without tangible boundaries?
      Richard A. Bartle points out that are the cyber worlds who encourage internet users to show different aspects of themselves in an unlimited environment. The ability to face challenges does nothing but to enable individuals to reflect their actions upon those intended tasks. Step by step, over time, everybody is going to develop a greater understanding of themselves, resulting into a mixture between the virtual and the real personality. Surprisingly, this openes the gates to one’s so-called “ alter ego ”. ( Richard A. Bartle, 2003, p.158 – 162 )

      As we can see,the tendency is that people get influenced in their real life by the virtual experience phenomenon. With the two worlds fusing one into the other, possibly as a result of the modern internet era, the personality traits extend. Cyber world, as each and every single thing in life, has its positive and negative sides. A clear advantage that can be drawn out as a conclusion of how virtual worlds affect us is that they enable persons to constantly discover themselves and eventually be satisfied with their personality. Still, bearing in mind the fact that virtual dimension is considered to be a generally unprotected environment, it is easier for individuals that activate within it to loose control over their activities, that could be very dangerous in matters of personal development as an individual.
      Consolidating identities still remains a controversial topic and, by the visions we propose, we did not even come close to the depletion of this topic, leaving you the means to analyse some of its sides. 

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